Here are some websites about the environment and New Zealand...
Auckland City Council Parks: Hint- type Westmere in the suburb and then search...
National Geographic: About New Zealand
KCC: Kiwi Conservation Kids. Games! Information! It's all here...
Treasure Islands: Looking after the Hauraki Gulf.
Biodiversity: Biodiversity means that there are a lot of very different animals and plants. This site is for parents, teachers and advanced readers. It has information about Our Seas and Water, Our Land, why it is important to protect all the different kinds of animals, and how to get involved.
DOC: The Department of Conservation are the people who protect our plants and animals. You might need some help with the words on this site, but the information is all about animals and plants that are important to New Zealand.
Endangered Ecosystems: Find out about some parts of the world that are endangered!